Online Spell check, Grammar, and Thesaurus checking

Spell Check Anything for Free with

In this day and age, there's no excuse for producing work that is riddled with spelling errors. Even the most experienced editors in the world are likely to overlook certain spelling mistakes from time to time. To get around the problem of human error, you should put this handy spell check tool to work for you. Whether you're polishing your new resume or putting the finishing touches on an important paper, this spell checker will catch errors that might escape your notice. Learn more about it below.

How it Works

If you know how to copy and paste something on a computer, you basically know how to use this online spellcheck tool. After you've copied your text, paste it into the box near the top of the screen and click the "Spell Check" button in the lower left-hand corner. A pop-up dialogue box with your original text will appear. Errors will now be highlighted in red. It's easy to find and make corrections with the spell checker. In the pop-up box, you'll find a drop-down menu with a list of suggested words. The shaded word is the most likely option. Choose the word that you want and select "Change" or "Change All." If necessary, you may also choose "Ignore" or "Ignore All." You can customize your online spellcheck experience by clicking the "Options" button. From there, you can tell it to ignore words that are in mixed case or all caps. You can also choose to ignore words that include numbers or to ignore domain names. When you are finished, just click the "Finish Checking" button to complete your session.

Use the Dictionary to Enhance Your Spell Checking Experience

At the bottom of the site, you'll find an alphabet filter. When you are uncertain about whether you are using the correct word or not, you can click on the appropriate letter to check its definition. You can also double-check that you are using the correct spelling. It is an added layer of defense to ensure that your work is as polished and professional as possible.

Produce Impeccable Work Every Time with

This easy-to-use spell checker makes it easy for everyone from students to business people to produce exceptional work. Simply bookmark this page and copy and paste text whenever you need it to be checked. By putting this spell check tool to work for you, you will never have to worry about producing subpar work. Professors, colleagues and others will be impressed by your carefully crafted writing. You will probably be surprised by how many spelling errors can slip through when you're not careful. This online spellcheck tool gives you a chance to have your work analyzed one last time before sending it on its way. Give it a try right now.